• Testing 2023-2024

    The testing dates for 2023-2024 are:


    Fall TGRG             10/23/23-10/27/23

    Fall OST               11/29/23-12/19/23

    Alt. Assessment    2/26/24-4/19/24

    ACT                     2/27/24

    OELPA                  1/29/24-3/22/24

    Spring ELA OST        4/4/24-4/26/24

    Math/SS/Sc OST   4/18/24-5/10/24

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  • Parent Testing Rights

    A parent of a student attending a Title 1 school may request policies regarding student participation in state-mandated testing as well as which assessments are required by the State.

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  • Ohio's State Testing

    Ohio's State Assessments

    What are the OST assessements?
    The State of Ohio requires all students in grades 3 through 8 to take standardized tests each year in language arts and mathematics. Students in grades 5 and 8 also take state tests in science. At the high school level, students are required to take standardized state assessments in ELA 2, Algebra, Geometry, Biology, U.S. History and U.S. Government. Students and teachers refer to these as either OSTs (Ohio's Sate Tests) or EOCs (End of Course).
    What are the testing dates and times?

    Information about testing dates is on the Test Dates page. Information about testing times is on the Key Documents page. These times reflect the amount of time students have to complete each part of the test. Test administrators are responsible for ensuring students have the specified amount of time to take the test in one day, and for enforcing testing time for each part of the test. Only students with extended time accommodations are permitted time in excess of the publishing testing times, which cannot exceed one school day.

    How are these assessments delivered?
    All state assessments are delivered to students online using secure technology tools and resources.
    How long do the assessments last?
    Schools have flexibility in giving an entire test on one day. Or, they may choose to give a test in two parts on two separate days. The English Language Arts tests (grades 6-8, ELA I and ELA II) will have two writing prompts as described in the Ohio Blueprint. Students need adequate time to organize and support their responses with facts from the reading passages. The testing time noted above for these ELA tests are divided into two sessions of 1 hour and 45 minutes each. Students needing additional time to complete the test may be allowed, at each district’s discretion, 30 additional minutes (15 minutes per session for a total of two hours per session). Not all students will need this additional time and, in some sessions, no students will need this time. Schools also should provide students with disabilities additional time as needed, according to their individualized education programs.
    When will assessment results be shared with parents?
    Results of the fall assessments will be shared with families in February and March, or earlier dependent upon when family reports are delivered to the school. Results of the spring assessments will be given to families upon returning to school in August.  


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